Tuesday, December 8, 2015

When the Magic Gets Better

From time to time the Bookshop can seem a dream, that we haven’t quite woken from yet. I can’t believe it is 6 years old and sometimes it is hard to believe we have made it. Owning and operating the shop is not only a dream, but a labor of love. It is the product of our passion for books and the hard work we continue to foster in our dream, our “baby”—our bit of magic.

As with most business endeavors you want to see growth and change—bad change need not apply *wink*-- both can be a combination of crazy, exciting, and even scary. The Bookshop is a place for Freddy and I to spread the love for the written word to our small-town and to the surrounding communities. We want to reach more and more people because that is growth AND that is how it gets better and better!

Over time we have made the transition, in name only, from ‘Used Bookstore’ to ‘Small-Town Bookstore’. It was a subtle way of bestowing more love and fondness into the shop, that and it sounds better. Am I right? We are pleased to announce it is no longer in name only! As of today we can now offer more to our customers—our regulars who have become a second family—we can offer the luxury of stocking AND ordering new books.

It is very exciting and has been a dream/desire for a long time. The change can also bring about questions and concerns from you, our Customer Family, and this post is to put you at ease.

What does this mean for the “used” books?
We will continue to primarily stock used inventory. It is not going anywhere! Freddy and I will not be changing our shopping habits for the Shop. The boxes of books we bring every week will not end and the current stock will not dwindle (well unless you come in and buy it all!).

So what DOES this MEAN?
Now Stocking and Ordering New Books!

It means the next necessary step in growth for reaching a bigger audience/community is to expand in what we offer, what we bring to the reading table so to speak. You will see, over time, more books of the “out now” variety, the “must reads”, and you will have the availability to request/order more readily said books. It is still your choice whether you order used or new, but the added luxury is yours for the “taking”!

What does this represent to Pete & Freddy’s?
GROWTH, GROWTH, GROWTH! It is exciting to offer more and to align ourselves further with the book buying world. There are not many Indie bookstores “in the neighborhood” and it has long been a faraway dream to join the ranks of Indie Brick and Mortars! The more opportunities we have to expand our endeavors, the more people we can reach with our love of the written word. (Am I saying ‘more’ enough? *wink*) We have been staunch proclaimers of “Shop Local!” and giving our customers this service is icing on the cake, giving you more reasons to practice what we preach!

Now for your orders, oh yes and questions *wink*! Help us make the magic better and see what the Lord has in store for the Shop’s future as we grow. Thank you to our Customer Family, without you the bibliophile madness would only be two young ladies surrounded silently (and madly) by stacks of books.