Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Show Me A Family

I believe Napoleon said it best:

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”
In April, on a Saturday afternoon, nearly closing time, an elderly couple arrived at the shop with their daughter, Laura. She was in Mentone visiting them and would be heading home to North Carolina soon. As luck would have it the Times Union newspaper article had appeared the week she was here. Even though Laura's parents had lived in this area for many years they were unaware of a bookstore in downtown Mentone. There was much excitement to be had at the prospect of book buying.
A bibliophile's heart does little leaps and bounds when a fellow booklover wants to talk "shop". As a shop owner we darn near dance in the various nooks and crannies of the shop when a customer shows as much enthusiasm--or more--about the inked pages we call friends and lovers. Laura and I got along smashingly and her pile grew and grew. I stood behind the counter to give her the comfort and quiet of browsing to heart's content. Every now and then I would hear exclamations of joy of another treasure found and added to the pile.
Laura left the shop with quite the hull and promises to be back the following month, for Mother's Day, with her daughters. "They will just love the shop!"
It is not as though I was disbelieving, but first time meetings and the knowledge that you are from many, many miles away led me to not think anything more of a promised return. I was simply blessed by an afternoon visit from a new customer...a book loving encourager to the cause that is our shop.
Fast-forward to May...
The day before Mother's Day dawned and I was happily in my own world of creating for the shop; when I heard the door open, signaling the arrival of customers. I glanced up from work and greeted two young ladies and went back to my project. I heard the door open again and more people coming through from the main room. Low and was Laura and the two girls before were two of her three daughters. I couldn't stop smiling and happily running around the shop giving suggestions and searching for requests. Laura's daughters after all are bibliophiles too and that means...we come prepared...we come with lists!
I hope to see this lovely family again in the future. They were kind enough to allow me to take their picture together in the shop. Thank you ladies for blessing me the day before Mother's Day (and my birthday) with your visit. Thank you for loving books!
(Left to right) Abigail, Lydia, Laura, Mary (grandmother), and Hannah

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